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materials for my photo editing workshop #LGM2024

@Faith Ekstrand 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 I made vkdt run without the proprietary Nvidia driver using nvk, but it's incredibly slow, like slower than with a weak integrated gpu.
OS: Manjaro
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1660 Super
nvk version: vulkan-nouveau-git from AUR

vkdt is a new raw photo and video editor that is using vulkan for gpu acceleration

Edit: The first more or less successful test was on Manjaro which has an older kernel. Now I installed vulkan-nouveau-git on Garuda and added a kernel parameter for Nvidia power management and now vkdt seems to be actually usable. Some modules like deconv seem to be a bit slow and building up one thumbnail takes like 1 or 2 seconds. But editing/darkroom mode is more or less ok, although not as fast as with the proprietary driver.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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Als ich damals angefangen habe zu studieren, habe ich mir einen USB-Stick gekauft. Habe lange überlegt ob es die Investition wert ist, und mich dann für den mit 256 MB um 43€ entschieden statt den mit 128 MB um 25€. Ich glaube ich werde alt…
Prospekt eines Computerfachgeschäfts, angeboten werden USB-Sticks um 4,99€ mit 64 GB und 19,99€ mit 256 GB.

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