#featurephone #nokia #phones #whatsapp
So... as far as my feature phone journey is concerned...
First I got the Nokia 2720 flip, about half a year ago. Then I kind of felt that I need the candy bar type and got the 6300 4G, which has a bad camera. Turns out, I don't even check my emails any more on the phone, even though I could. The camera I use very rarely, but it is still more important than email or whatsapp. I very rarely use whatsapp on that phone. Now I think that the 3210 4G 2024 is interesting, mostly because it is available in a nice turquoise color and it has USB-C. But it has no whatsapp or email, so I will piss off some friends and family if I get it and use it.
I don't like Whatsapp, I don't really want to use it but most people that I know use it. My parens will certainly forget that I won't have Whatsapp on the phone, only on the tablet.
I am kind of angry about Whatsapp.
I think I will discover that actually I don't need a mobile phone at all.